38.00 PLN
23.00 PLN
59.00 PLN
PANJO is a name that comes from Esperanto and means the word mother. A word we very much identify with and know the value it carries. Warmth, kindness, caring, commitment, patience, humility. All this in one word - PANJO. As owners of a place where the best and natural in nurturing women, mums, their children is created, we could not have chosen otherwise. Furthermore, privately, we are also mums of babies and know from our own experience what is most important in conscious skin care. Mothers - this is a very important role in which we want to accompany and assist you.
All shipments are made within 24 hours!
We also want you to be able to use them as soon as possible
Yes, email us at sklep@panjo.pl Which country you are interested in. We will look for the best solutions and come back with a price list.